زبون جديد 24/10/2020 18:16

القسم الطبي

Technique: Contiguous axial scans of the paranasal air sinuses were obtained with thin overlapping slices and were evaluated along with coronal and sagittal MPR images. Findings: Mucosal thickening of the paranasal sinuses with clear osteomeatal complexes. Pneumatized left middle concha stalk . S - shaped deviated nasal septum , a left side spur causing adhesions with the left nasal turbinates . No encroachment upon the intraocular or intracranial regions. Visualized bilateral orbits, their contents and bony outlines appear normal. Visualized portions of brain and cranial bones appear normal. Unremarkable nasopharynx . Impression: Sinusitis . Pneumatized left middle concha stalk . S – shaped deviated nasal septum with left nasal turbinates adhesions
د.رائد كحيل 25/10/2020 01:42 القسم الطبي

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أسئلة مشابهة

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د.رائد كحيل
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Technique: Contiguous axial scans of the parana..

Technique: Contiguous axial scans of the parana
اقرأ المزيد

د.رائد كحيل
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اقرأ المزيد

الشيخ محمد نوفل
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    هل تحتاج لكتابة إستشارة ؟

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